Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Focus - September 3, 2021 HERE WE GO!!!


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

  • SO much fun and laughter - in Jumanji challenges, staff meeting activities and MS faculty playing in Playworks!
  • Great collaboration and teamwork in planning for advisory together at the high school (ms you're up next for that!)
  • Our amazing paras were fantastic as always last night to greet our students and show our new students around. 
  • I saw SO much excitement from our students to be back in the building and get back to school. Yes, they want to be here!
  • I've had many meetings this week with new families and have enjoyed each of the conversations getting to know them. In several conversations the parents said they chose to bring their child to Dodgeland because of the good things they have heard about our school (caring staff, knows their child will be taken care of, small school feel with lots of options). Thank YOU for what you do to make Dodgeland the place people want to come to!
  • One of our Link Crew students led a meeting last night with our new to Dodgeland 7-12th graders to go over some basic procedural things to know about Dodgeland and to show some of our iPad basics. It was interesting to learn that all students there had or used a device at their previous school, but none of them used iPads. 
Tuesday - 1st Day! Check your mailbox! Students start in Aspire for one hour delay schedule Tuesday and Wednesday. Please wear your new Dodgeland shirt, jeans and the comfiest shoes you own!
Here are the HS iPad slides to go through in aspire: DHS Getting started with your iPad (this is in the DMS DHS Shared drive, in the 2021-2022 folder)
Here are the MS iPad slides to go through in aspire: DMS Getting started with your iPad (this is in the DMS DHS Shared drive, in the 2021-2022 folder)

3:15 MS faculty meeting

Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
3:15 HS faculty meeting

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
Rest up this weekend!! :)
*Thank you for your patience and understanding with the fact that it's not all done (by it, I mean, like everything on my to-do list!). But, we're somehow always ready for kids when they return! This weekend I will be sending emails with: 
  • New student info (your students are likely all new to you this year, but it's also helpful to know who is new to Dodgeland so we can all help make sure they make connections and feel welcome!)
  • Any details you should know about individual students that I learned from my meetings with them.
  • Anything else I realize over the weekend that you should know. 
  • Can you think of something I'm forgetting?
*On Tuesday make sure to check your mailbox before school. I will have a stack of student schedules in your mailbox for your aspire group (because I will still be working on schedule changes this weekend).
*Please sign up for your 4 social media slots: Social Media Submission Calendar

*We are still in a pandemic, so my rule about every Wednesday being Workout Wednesday in a pandemic applies to this school year. :)

*Safety notes - a new safety map has been placed on the wall in your classroom.  Look to see where your tornado safe space is and where the highlighted part of your classroom is to go to for a lockdown. 

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:

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