Great Things I Noticed this Week:
- Starting Monday's classes with a Monday Check In Google form for the teacher if there are any unanswered questions yet from last week, to hear what went well, what didn't and if the teacher could help. Also to find out if there's anything going on in their lives this week that may affect them, such as something outside of school or a big project/test in another class.
- Class Kahoot to review the classroom procedures and expectations.
- Schedule on the board along with 3 student names for each hour to identify the desk sanitizers for the week.
- Students using the collaborative spaces appropriately for work at both building levels (I have to admit, I think it's my new favorite office space!)
- Brain breaks in class when they seem like they have been sitting to long and are losing attention.
- Starting the lesson with the learning targets to set the purpose and refer back to for grading.
- High school classroom with numbered desks to identify the numbered pockets for the phone chart.
- 7th graders collecting vital signs of one another to create a data table of their results.
Upcoming Events:
Monday - Packer attire Monday (and jeans!)
EP Training 3:15 in IMC Learning Commons - this training will be for the SLO/PPG/Surveys. All new teachers (up to 3 years) should attend and I highly recommend all others on evaluation this year attend. Not sure if you are? Login to frontline and if you have PPG/Surveys, you're up. :)
*Please submit behavior grades for your students for Work Habits and Middle School and Employability Skills for High School this week!
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
3:15 HS Faculty Meeting (we will need to use Mr. Quale's room again).
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
- Reminder to MS faculty - students turn in VIP cards at Friday Aspire (Fun Friday activity) and should be given their new cards 5th hour on Friday (yes, for the following week!)
- HS faculty - No IEB yet. We don't have the document ready yet and will use Wednesday's faculty meeting to make sure we're good to go with a solid plan. If you do need to pull a student for any reteaching/reassessment, just give the student a pass and email their advisor. Tap into your grade level advisory leader for any assistance needed. :)
- We are returning to keeping our staff lounge doors closed.
- Just a reminder that we did change announcements being read to 3rd period this year, that is why there are 3 extra minutes for that class period.
- Have you had students use the QR Code hall pass? Please let me know. I was going to share the responses spreadsheet with you all, but just found it completely blank. Which means no one is using it or somehow I broke my google form!
- Some of you have asked for access to the spreadsheet of student hall passes. The spreadsheet of student responses are in the DMS DHS Shared drive, in the 2021-2022 folder, or HERE.
- If you think of something that should be added to the parent newsletter that I send out to via email (through BrightArrow in PowerSchool) please share!
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