Thursday, September 23, 2021

Friday Focus - September 24, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Several collaborative problem-solving conversations amongst faculty -- to tweak the middle school VIP card system, to plan for aspire/IEB, to help support a struggling student, to plan for the juniors/seniors UW-O trip.  Together - we are amazing!!

*Reviewing the details of the project students are working on to check in on what is remaining for completion while also reviewing the proficiency rubric so students can use it to self check as they are completing their work to demonstrate their learning. 

*I checked in with the parent of a new student who had been very nervous about transitioning to school much bigger than his last school. She shared that the transition has been much smoother than she thought and that he loves his new school and is thankful for such great teachers. 

*High school students practicing an AP test item with a timer and reminder of gauging their pacing. After the practice session the class reviewed for the correct answers, the content and the test taking skills to tackle an item like that. 

*The Coffee Shop is Open!! Need I say more? Ok, I still will. I am SO impressed with the customer service and conversation happening with our students running the coffee shop. They are practicing great social and job skills while keeping us well caffeinated! :)

Events Next Week:
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday 

Thursday - Juniors/Seniors trip to UW Oshkosh

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

  • With the printer capability turned on for students now, just a reminder that if you have something that you want all students to have, YOU should be the one printing and preparing it for your class (plus that saves instructional/student work time). 
  • Please make sure as we get ready for Homecoming the week of October 4th that the poster creations and other fun student planning do not take up student class/learning time.  Additionally (this is specific to high school) and poster painting should not be happening in the collaboration space where paint/glitter could wreck our beautiful new carpet. Thank you for helping to keep these new spaces amazing!
  • I will have a screencast out to you by Monday with the "how to" for the new Rapid Cycle Feedback form in frontline. For teachers in evaluative year I need to do 6 math of all of those is estimated to be a gazillion, so the sooner you have your standard you would like me to focus my feedback on, the sooner I can start doing so. :)
Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*What Teachers Should be Thinking about on Friday. I love this list: tying up loose ends, reminding yourself what went well, putting your subconscious to work, and let the weekend begin!

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