Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Final Friday Focus of 2021!!!


You read that right...this is the Final Friday Focus for 2021, because I won't have one for you next week. 

Great Things I Noticed this Week:

  • Respectful dialogue as students worked in partners to provide writing feedback during their editing phase of their realistic fiction stories. 
  • Our student crowd at basketball games (with both middle and high school students) has been filled with school spirit, pride and great cheering for our teams! Yes, there have been a few not making the greatest choices, but the majority have been incredible to represent Dodgeland!
  • SO many food donations collected to benefit the foodbank. NHS students have done an incredible job of organizing this!
  • Our student council went holiday shopping to provide Christmas gifts for families in need.
  • Many of our students/staff showed up for two of our students in support them at the wake/funeral for their mother. We have such compassion in our Dodgeland family!  I also know that many of you are keeping a watchful eye for when the grief sets in and additional support is needed.

Upcoming Events:

Faculty Holiday Singing each morning before school greeting students as they come in!! Here's the sign up sheet for your day.  

Monday - Roll Out of Bed...Pajama Day 

With 4 days till Christams break, you don't need to bring a lunch, because Elf Modaff is providing you with a soup and potato bar for the holidays!

7:00 PM Middle School Music Concert

Tuesday - Festive/Ugly Sweater Wear

7:00PM High School Music Concert

Wednesday - Santa and His Helpers...Dress the Part! Wear something Santa/Elves 

Thursday - Wear your Festive Holiday Colors


"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

*The HS IEB Document for next week can be found HERE. 

*From the Grinch: If you have Christmas or LED lights in your classroom, please unplug/shut them off before you leave for the day.  Custodians are noticing many of these left on, which could be a safety/fire hazard. 

*Please be ready to welcome students back after the holiday break. Think #Significant72 and remember that you'll need to review/rehearse procedures. If there was a bad classroom management issue percalating, now is the time for a restart!

*We are almost to the end of the semester (gasp, I know!). There will be an email soon on end of semester grading information. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Friday Focus - December 10, 2021


Upcoming Events:

Monday - "Mad About Plaid" and Jeans Day

Tuesday - "Grinch Green" and Jeans Day
   Schoology training in IMC at 3:15 (for HS CTE//Electives)

Wednesday - HS Faculty Meeting at 3:15

Thursday - Festive/ "Ugly Sweater" Day - I will also have a green screen with holiday props for you to take fun photos with your colleagues before/after school, at lunch or during your prep. 

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

*Recently we had a safety inspection. One of the deficiencies noted that is easy for us to correct (and one I admit I didn't realize was a concern!) is leaving rooms open/empty when out of the classroom during the school day.  The recommendation for safety was made to turn off lights/shut the door (even lock if you'll be gone for a while) when you are not in your classroom.  This is so students will not end up in your room unsupervised. 

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:

*Instead of a blog this week, its a youtube podcast from a couple of great educators: Protect Your FIRE and REIGNITE the Flames

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Friday Focus, December 3, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Collaboration/Problem-Solving conversations regarding students with challenging behaviors. 
*A "hook them in" video clip from Stranger Things to dig into how the setting can change psychologically, not just physically to affect the characters in a story before they applied it to text. 
*I recognize we had some difficult information to digest in this week's faculty meeting, but I appreciate your ability to challenge your thinking from all the factors outside of our control to those that are all within our control. Every moment we have with our students, in each class period and even Aspire/IEB or Study Hall/ARP matters in the impact that we can have on them. Your ability to reframe and target your focus to what's important matters. I challenge you as we move forward to stop yourself or a colleague any time you catch yourself or someone else focusing on factors outside of your control and flip your thinking to what IS within your control. All of the factors/ideas you came up with can be found HERE. WE'VE GOT THIS!!! 

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday - HS ELA team Schoology training in IMC 3:20-4:00
Wednesday - MS Faculty Schoology training in IMC 3:20-4:00
Thursday - HS Science/Social Schoology Studies training in IMC 3:20-4:00

Wednesday will be the start of the 12 Days Till Christmas Break for faculty! But, there's a couple of rules:
 First rule of 12 Days Till Christmas NOT do a countdown in your classroom. If you count down the days, your kids will too. If you stray from your regular classroom learning routine, chaos will slowly (or quickly) creap in and it will be harder for you to make it to break.  (Also...some of our students will stress as we get closer to the holidays knowing they will not be in school for that long, so let's not add to their stressors).  I'm doing this countdown just for YOU.

Second Rue of 12 Days Till Christmas Break...if you want to wear jeans, you have to wear the festive!

  Starting on Wednesday there will be something each day. The only days I'm telling you about now are the dress-up days so you can plan ahead. If you look at these days and add in Workout Wednesdays and our normal jeans Fridays...there's no professional attire for all 12 Days Till Christmas Break!!

P.S. The last week's dress-up days will be for all MS/HS Students as well. 

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*The HS IEB Document can be found HERE. You can also always find this in the DMS/DHS Shared Drive...2021-2022...21-22 HS IEB. 
*Please remember to put garbages/recycle bins outside your doors at the end of the day and have 8th hour students put chairs up. Our custodians greatly appreciate it!

Blogs, Quotes and Tweets:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Friday Focus - November 19, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
Again...another week of subbing every day so I've only been in your classroom if you weren't and I needed to be, but I do know...
*Several of you were quick to help cover when a crisis came up. 
*When a student appeared down a few students (who haven't always had a history of being the kindest) went and sat with him and found out what was going on and helped cheer him up and then also reported the bullying he had experienced. It was so great to see this change in their empathy for others.
*I overheard a student helping his friend/teammate try to come up with a plan to stay on track in the classes he is struggling with (something they both struggle with!). The peer pressure for positive was so great to hear! 
*Several of you have seen our school report card and shared with me your thoughts and desire to keep working together on our mission to impact our students to the point that our report card shows it. 
*Our administrative hold ran smoothly.  As I walked the halls I could see that learning was continuing in classrooms, even if you knew there were locker searches taking appeared calm and normal in your classrooms because YOU led them that way!

Upcoming Events: 
Wednesday: A WELL DESERVED Thanksgiving break!!!
Wednesday, December 1: MS/HS Faculty Meeting

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*With Mrs. Neis on maternity leave, Mr. Butson is now serving as her long-term sub (just in case you wonder why you haven't seen him in a while). 
*HS Faculty - the IEB document for next week is HERE.
*MS faculty - I will have a new Fun Friday selection choice for students to select on Monday after Thanksgiving. Please let me know if you want to add a new activity. 

Inspirational Thoughts:
We are at the point of "disillusionment" at this time of the year.

The best thing you can do for yourself at this time of year is to take care of yourself and take care of each other. Please take time to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy your families, because I know you've been spending a lot of time here taking care of your classrooms. It's time for you to fill your cup so you can come back and pour into our students!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Friday Focus - November 12, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Students were working together in small groups to read a science article together. Each had a card with prompts to serve as the Predictor, Questioner, Clarifier or Summarizer for group discussion as they learned the content. 
*Our student leaders did an incredible job preparing for, leading/presenting at the Veterans Day assembly and then afterwards for the pictures.  Their incredible leadership comes from your incredible leadership to prepare them!
*I've subbed in several classrooms that were so well established that students didn't skip a beat of learning, because they knew where they were going next in their learning and they knew what was expected of them. I felt like I could have not even shown up to a few rooms and they would have continued on just as I saw them on their own!
*Our Academic Decathlon team scored the highest they have ever scored at their competition and are now on to Regionals in January!

Upcoming Events:
Friday (Today) - Safety Drill
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
   YRBS administered in Aspire
   HS Faculty Meeting - continuing our Grading discussions

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please do not send students to a vestibule (in between doors area by an exit) to do school work or record videos. This is for safety/security purposes. The collaboration space (in both MS and HS) is an option. Additionally, you can check the IMC schedule with Mrs. Rollins.
*HS Faculty - next week's IEB doc is HERE. Mrs. Johnson will move student names to Mrs. Beaudo's room if they are opted out of the YRBS.

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:
*The First Key to Connecting Well With Students is to Like Them; This Often Takes Work - The teacher who wrote this brings up a challenging question - when we have a student that seems impossibly behind and impossibly undermotivated, how do we communicate with them about school? The answer is in your control!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Friday Focus - November 5, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Our Academic Decathlon team stayed after school to prep for their competition challenging the teachers in a students vs teachers Kahoot. I love seeing students having so much fun flaunting their knowledge!

*Sometimes it takes time (a LONG time) of supporting a student to see growth and when you do, it makes all the hard work so worth it!  This week I listened to a student talk about how she was trying to mentor a younger student to make better choices and not lose her temper.  I took some time to pause with this student and point out to her that we had spent years trying to help her make better choices and now she has grown so much that she is helping others.  Her proud smile made my week and then she said to make sure I tell her mentor how great she is doing (and there's another plug for how incredible our Strive Mentors are!)

*Our AP Environmental Science students conducted water quality tests including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, coliform, and run-off nutrients on the campus water systems including the stream and pond. 

*When I shared with a group of students that their hallway is the messiest in the school, they started brainstorming ways to solve the problem so their peers wouldn't leave the hallway a mess. One student started to coordinate a plan for students to be responsible for the hallway on a rotational basis. It's so great to see leadership (now I hope we see follow through!). :)

Upcoming Events:

Please come support our students in the musical this weekend!

Sunday - You gain an hour with the time change! How will you spend your extra hour?

Wednesday - HS Faculty Meeting 3:15

Thursday - Veterans Day Program at 9:30AM in the HS Gym

Nuts & Bolts Notes:
*Just a reminder to dress professionally on Thursday for our Veterans Day assembly.  New staff - please connect with your mentor to know what to expect for the Veterans Day program. 

*Open Door Counseling - At the beginning of the year we shared that one of our new services to support students this year is the Open Door Counseling program, with a counselor here on Thursdays in the SDC to provide ongoing support for students. She has already been meeting with students and the PPS team continues to make referrals, but you can also help refer students.  This is the brochure that we have in the SDC that can be provided to students/families. 

*Did you see the exciting news from Dr. Thompson about our new regular sub in the district each day? Please help welcome Mr. Butson if you see him around. I also want to reiterate Dr. Thompson's message that if you know someone interested in subbing, please encourage them to come our way! :)

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:

*Tell Yourself a Better Story

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Friday Focus - October 29, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Our Link Crew leaders planned and led activities in our freshmen aspire classes and spread some positivity throughout the school. It is so great to see our student leaders in action!
*Students having fun practicing identifying similes/metaphors in blooket game. (That was a new tool for me to see in action).
*We have a math coach coming from CESA 6 monthly...she was so impressed with her first visit this week. Transitioning to CPM is a big change, but she said our classrooms are doing amazing already!

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
MS Faculty Meeting in IMC Learning Commons (*Yes, this is different than the combined MS/HS that was originally scheduled)

Friday/Saturday/Sunday - please come support our students in the musical!

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

  • HS faculty - the IEB document for next week can be found HERE (This can also be found in the DMS DHS shared drive, 2021-2022, 21-22 HS IEB.)
  • Just a reminder to have students wipe desks/tables at the end of the day, put chairs upside down on desks/tables and place garbages outside your door. This helps our evening custodial crew!
  • Our Strive program is doing their coat drive again...this weekend is a good time to clean out your closet!

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Friday Focus - October 22, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week...believe it or not, I can still notice a lot when I'm quarantined in my basement all week! ;)
  • I have access to the security cameras from home (yes, I know that sounds creepy, but it's one way I can try to be useful to Mrs. Modaff this week!) and I notice many of you out in the hallways/near bathrooms to assist with supervision. Thank you!!!
  • Teachers sharing many positives about a student in a meeting when we were also together to discuss concerns and how to support the student.  
  • Teachers covering for other classes during their preps (please make sure you fill out an extra duty sheet!)
  • The high school faculty meeting appeared to have some great discussions as you shared examples with your colleagues of what you have students do before they can take a reassessment (from my virtual view over in the corner anyhow!).
Upcoming Events:
*Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
-3:15 I'm rescheduling the optional EP Optional Supported work time for SLO from Monday to Wednesday (since I won't be back until Tuesday)
Thursday - Picture Retake Day

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*HS faculty - the IEB doc for next week is HERE (This can also be found in the DMS DHS shared drive, 2021-2022, 21-22 HS IEB.)

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Friday Focus - October 15, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Brain break during class to play a fun gimkit to review email etiquette.
*Students having choice in their end-of-unit math assessment, getting to choose examples of problems to demonstrate their mastery of each skill, while reflecting on the proficiency rubric before submitting.  (This definitely helps the student with test anxiety to be able to demonstrate their learning!)
*Deep conversations about song lyrics and purpose in high school choir when trying to decide on the song choice for the Veterans Day assembly. 
*Our FFA students did a great job at the Petting Zoo teaching elementary students about large and small animals...they had informative display boards/posters and had obviously planned what they were going to teach our elementary students. On a funny note--I got sneezed on by the donkey and was worried my shirt would be a mess for Parent/Teacher Conferences, but donkey sneeze came clean with a wet paper towel. Just in case you ever need to know. 

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
3:15 HS Faculty meeting in IMC Learning Commons (remember to read chapter 2 of the Grading for Impact book)

Thursday - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30PM *Revision for the gym set up--we will put you together by department so if you have down time you can collaborate.

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Just a reminder to be putting your garbage/recycle bins in the hallway at the end of the day. Our custodial crew thanks you for this!

*Music lesson schedules are coming out from Mr. Robinson for instrumental and Mr. Muenchow for vocal lessons. Please know that Mr. Muenchow and Mr. Robinson have been working very hard to try to create a lesson schedule in which students would not miss core classes, however, we just have too many musical students to only have lessons during aspire (that's a good thing for the music department!) Students know that if they have a test/lab or doing anything else that they cannot miss that they should stay in class. When you see the schedule, if there are any students that you have concerns about their lesson being during your class, please communicate with Mr. Robinson or Mr. Muenchow for some collaborative problem-solving.  Thank you for your help in supporting our students to continue to nurture their musical talents. 

*EP - SLO/PPG/Surveys/Rapid Cycle Feedback
If you have any questions about this, please let me know. In addition, there is optional support/work time on October 25 after school.  This might help to dedicate time in your schedule to work on these forms and I will be there to help in whatever way I can!

*Herb Kohl Fellowship/Scholarship Evaluators needed: CESA 6 is recruiting volunteers to assist in reading and scoring the applications for this program. Anyone can be a reader.  The reading/scoring is online and takes approximately 20-30 minutes per application (generally each reader has 5-10 applications). Scoring must be done within the 3 week time frame and will start in mid-November.  If you are interested in reading or know of someone interested, please fill out the New Reader Registration Form HERE.  (Choose CESA 6 on the form.). More information and orientation videos can be found HERE.

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Friday Focus - October 8, 2021

 Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*I always get nervous about how kids will behave during homecoming feels like this week has been the best Homecoming week I've experienced so far. I have been SO impressed with high school student leadership from student council and from each class.  I have noticed students dressing up who never did before, but said they wanted to help their class win. The school spirit is incredible this year and it feels amazing!!

*Teachers noticing possible emotional/mental health concerns in students and reporting to pupil services and alerting colleagues to be on the lookout to support each student in different situations. 

*The middle school math teachers have been hard at work collaborating for plans to start intervention for students with math skill gaps soon during aspire. 

*The library opened up for students/classes this week. There was so much excitement from students about the new design/layout and furniture and of course...books!!!!

*Students working independently, then discussing in small groups what they thought the mathematical mistake was in an example problem. There is so much learning that can come from finding a mistake and identify why someone probably made that mistake so they can clarify and deepen their own learning. 

*If you ever need some pep up energy in the morning, just come see Mrs. Vitale greeting students at the MS/HS entrance in the morning. She has so much energy and excitement, I'm certain you can catch some of it! 

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday - MS Faculty Meeting (due to the book fair we will need to meet in Mrs. Neis's room)

Thursday - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30PM (round 2 will be Thursday, October 21)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*We obviously didn't get to planning for that grandiose idea of student-led conferences so we will be having conferences in the gym. I know this is less convenient for you, however, we are here that night to share student feedback with parents and this format is better for parents to be able to see where teachers are and see which teacher is available.  New teachers - please chat with your mentor to find out how this works. :) 

*Just a reminder that if you need to meet with me for anything, please go HERE to get scheduled on my calendar. For some reason, it won't let you see that I'm open at 7AM so if you want an early time, just send me an email. 

What Grade would you give YOURself?
At this point in the semester, what grade would you give yourself?

Do you do these things in your classroom each period?

-accurately enter attendance in the first 5 minutes of each period?
-post the learning targets for the lesson?
-involve all students in all classroom activities?
-maximize instruction time?
-follow through on no phones policy?
-establish the routine of students being dismissed by you versus lining up at the door for the last minute(s) of the period?

Blogs, Quotes and Tweets:
*Opening Lessons with a Bang
*7 Steps to Help Students Succeed on Assessments

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Friday Focus - October 1, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Last Friday came with a surprise in the high school. Our senior football players made it "My Jersey, your impact" day. Each of them selected a staff member who has had an impact on them and asked them to wear their jersey for the day. What an honor!! 

*In a class lesson on types of narrators, the teacher read parts of text, gave small groups a minute to discuss, then asked for one group to share and had the whole class share thumbs up/down to see if they agree before the teacher gave the answer. The class did this for several examples before giving students time to work independently on identify different types of narrators in the self-selected book they were reading. 

*When checking in with a parent of a new student. One of the things she shared is that her child mentioned that when he comes into school each day there's a teacher that greets him every morning. He said he doesn't have class with her so the teacher doesn't know his name, but he feels so welcome at our school because this teacher says Good morning or Hello to him every day.  It's the small things that make a big difference!

*Our students showed incredible school spirit at the Volleyball game Tuesday night--both high school students with their own dress-up night and our middle school volleyball players cheering on the varsity. And have you heard about our new mascot? There's a different student underneath Troy the Trojan and our high schoolers were trying everything they could at the volleyball game to figure out who it was (some even waited in the parking lot for him/her to come outside, but Mrs. Modaff snuck them out the backdoor!) I can't believe how many high school students keep coming to me asking for clues!

*Students in Study Hall reading for the first 10 minutes...then were given 2 minutes to turn and talk with a neighbor to share what they're reading before they had to go back to silent independent work time. What a great way for students to get book ideas from others!

*Teamwork to cover for missing faculty for all sorts of different reasons. Thank you for your flexibility and creative coverage!

Upcoming Events: Homecoming Week!!! 

HERE are the Homecoming details for HS Faculty

Monday - Mad Monday (crazy day)

Tuesday - Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Twin Day)

Wednesday - Creatures of Wonderland (Animal Day)
3:15 MS/HS Faculty meeting in the IMC Learning Commons. Please bring your Grading for Impact book.

Thursday - It was all a Dream (Throwback dress...does anyone know my favorite decade? I'm getting my prized gold scrunci ready. I love this day!)

Friday - Welcome Back Home - Dodgleand Purple Pride

The spirit rally starts at 1:30. Early dismissal at 2:30 for bussers, all others at 2:35.

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please remember that Homecoming activities take place during aspire and should not be taking up class time. 

*Our custodial crew has been working extremely hard for months in spite of staff shortages and a number of additional tasks on their daily lists.  To support their work, please help (and/or have your students assist) each day with these tasks:

  • Please place your garbage and recycling cans in the hallway before you leave. All trash bins will be placed inside the door each day for you to return to the places you prefer them in your room. 
  • Please have students spray/wipe each desk at the end of the day and place the chair on top of the desk. This will allow them easier access to sweeping the floor. 
From Mrs. Rollins...

Our library is open!
Starting Monday, October 4th, the IMC is fully functional! There is no way we could have gotten this huge task organized and ready without the amazing work of Holly Blattner and Bethany Nummerdor (library TA) so please thank them when you see them. Whenever sending students to the IMC, have them complete the digital hall pass Google form. A clear purpose for coming to the IMC will allow students to be successful while in our space. Appropriate purposes could include checking out a book, asking for help when using a specific app, utilizing the green screen, looking for a quiet place to read independently, or checking out equipment such as a keyboard. As staff, feel free to check out the learning commons to bring your whole class down for an activity. To check out the learning commons, please stop in to talk with Ms. Rollins or send an email.

Book fair is back!
Scholastic Book Fair is finally back! It will be open to our families Thursday, Oct. 14th and Friday, Oct. 15th from 4:00-7:30. In addition, I will have the book fair open for staff to shop Wednesday after school until 4:30. We will have books from birth - young adult. This is a great way to get a head start on holiday shopping or just to make someone smile because who doesn't like a surprise book?! You can also enjoy shopping online starting Oct. 11th with free shipping to your house. Get all your book fair information HERE

Blogs, Quotes and Tweets:

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Friday Focus - September 24, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Several collaborative problem-solving conversations amongst faculty -- to tweak the middle school VIP card system, to plan for aspire/IEB, to help support a struggling student, to plan for the juniors/seniors UW-O trip.  Together - we are amazing!!

*Reviewing the details of the project students are working on to check in on what is remaining for completion while also reviewing the proficiency rubric so students can use it to self check as they are completing their work to demonstrate their learning. 

*I checked in with the parent of a new student who had been very nervous about transitioning to school much bigger than his last school. She shared that the transition has been much smoother than she thought and that he loves his new school and is thankful for such great teachers. 

*High school students practicing an AP test item with a timer and reminder of gauging their pacing. After the practice session the class reviewed for the correct answers, the content and the test taking skills to tackle an item like that. 

*The Coffee Shop is Open!! Need I say more? Ok, I still will. I am SO impressed with the customer service and conversation happening with our students running the coffee shop. They are practicing great social and job skills while keeping us well caffeinated! :)

Events Next Week:
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday 

Thursday - Juniors/Seniors trip to UW Oshkosh

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

  • With the printer capability turned on for students now, just a reminder that if you have something that you want all students to have, YOU should be the one printing and preparing it for your class (plus that saves instructional/student work time). 
  • Please make sure as we get ready for Homecoming the week of October 4th that the poster creations and other fun student planning do not take up student class/learning time.  Additionally (this is specific to high school) and poster painting should not be happening in the collaboration space where paint/glitter could wreck our beautiful new carpet. Thank you for helping to keep these new spaces amazing!
  • I will have a screencast out to you by Monday with the "how to" for the new Rapid Cycle Feedback form in frontline. For teachers in evaluative year I need to do 6 math of all of those is estimated to be a gazillion, so the sooner you have your standard you would like me to focus my feedback on, the sooner I can start doing so. :)
Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*What Teachers Should be Thinking about on Friday. I love this list: tying up loose ends, reminding yourself what went well, putting your subconscious to work, and let the weekend begin!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Friday Focus - September 17, 2021

Great Things I Noticed this Week:

  • Starting Monday's classes with a Monday Check In Google form for the teacher if there are any unanswered questions yet from last week, to hear what went well, what didn't and if the teacher could help. Also to find out if there's anything going on in their lives this week that may affect them, such as something outside of school or a big project/test in another class. 
  • Class Kahoot to review the classroom procedures and expectations. 
  • Schedule on the board along with 3 student names for each hour to identify the desk sanitizers for the week. 
  • Students using the collaborative spaces appropriately for work at both building levels (I have to admit, I think it's my new favorite office space!)
  • Brain breaks in class when they seem like they have been sitting to long and are losing attention. 
  • Starting the lesson with the learning targets to set the purpose and refer back to for grading. 
  • High school classroom with numbered desks to identify the numbered pockets for the phone chart. 
  • 7th graders collecting vital signs of one another to create a data table of their results. 
Upcoming Events:
Monday - Packer attire Monday (and jeans!)
 EP Training 3:15 in IMC Learning Commons - this training will be for the SLO/PPG/Surveys. All new teachers (up to 3 years) should attend and I highly recommend all others on evaluation this year attend. Not sure if you are? Login to frontline and if you have PPG/Surveys, you're up. :)

*Please submit behavior grades for your students for Work Habits and Middle School and Employability Skills for High School this week!

Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
3:15 HS Faculty Meeting (we will need to use Mr. Quale's room again). 

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
  • Reminder to MS faculty - students turn in VIP cards at Friday Aspire (Fun Friday activity) and should be given their new cards 5th hour on Friday (yes, for the following week!)
  • HS faculty - No IEB yet. We don't have the document ready yet and will use Wednesday's faculty meeting to make sure we're good to go with a solid plan. If you do need to pull a student for any reteaching/reassessment, just give the student a pass and email their advisor.  Tap into your grade level advisory leader for any assistance needed. :)
  • We are returning to keeping our staff lounge doors closed. 
  • Just a reminder that we did change announcements being read to 3rd period this year, that is why there are 3 extra minutes for that class period. 
  • Have you had students use the QR Code hall pass? Please let me know. I was going to share the responses spreadsheet with you all, but just found it completely blank. Which means no one is using it or somehow I broke my google form!
  • Some of you have asked for access to the spreadsheet of student hall passes.  The spreadsheet of student responses are in the DMS DHS Shared drive, in the 2021-2022 folder, or HERE. 
  • If you think of something that should be added to the parent newsletter that I send out to via email (through BrightArrow in PowerSchool) please share!

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Friday Focus - September 10, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

  • On the first day of school, I noticed several upperclassmen helping freshmen with their lockers and finding classes!
  • Lunch was on schedule at both middle and high school every day this week, even the first day!! (Has that ever happened??!)
  • A getting to know you in numbers activity in math - with each question, students chose their number answer to move around the room (i.e. How many hours a day would you choose to be on social media or video games? How many hours of sleep do you get a night?) This gave the teacher some valuable information about students and gave them some conversation opportunities. 
  • Getting to know you Jenga in small groups - each brick had a number so students would refer to the question list (this game easily transitions to questions for content review to play later!).
  • High School PE classes had a blast playing PlayWorks games (Is there a Chicken in your house? is my personal fave!). They were having a blast and had no idea this training was for middle school.
  • It is so great to not see kids staring at cell phones in high school classes! :)
  • I've seen so many staff members not just "on duty" before school or at lunch, but using it as a time to engage and connect with students! Thank you!
  • A new student told me she loves Dodgeland so far, that she feels like she just belongs here! This is because of how awesome YOU are!
  • This felt like the smoothest start to the school year once the kids got here. Thank you for all of the incredible things you did in your classrooms and teams for such a successful start to the year!
Upcoming Events:
Monday - Mentors/Mentees meeting 3:15 IMC
Tuesday - Picture Day (We will be starting with elementary kids then calling grade levels down)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Students should have their routine down by now, so please mark them tardy if they are indeed tardy to your class.

*Reminder to sign up for Social Media posts if you haven't done so already (and then send your pics/info to Mr. Kjornes when it's your turn): Social Media Sign Up

*Please plan to get Employability Skills/Work Habits grades in for students after this week (either Friday or the following Monday). Please let me know if you don't see these standards in your grade book yet.

*Make sure to get your Guest Teacher binder ready for your classroom in case you are unable to make lesson plans at the last moment. Make sure to include: 
1. Your daily schedule
2. Emergency lesson plan
3. Seating charts for each period
4. Class list for each period
5. Any special instructions needed regarding student "need to knows" (i.e. medical alert, student that might need to leave to a special education room, helpful go-to studnet) and to complete tasks/assignments.

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes: