Thursday, October 3, 2019

Friday Focus - October 4, 2019

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*HS FBLA students leading a meeting that they had planned, along with a fun team building activity to build teamwork and welcome new members to the group.
*Students practicing matching their science terms in quizlet. They were in randomized groups and had to discuss as they tried to decide who had the correct term.
*I made it to a study hall that was close to the end and noticed that almost every single student was quiet and focused on learning -half were still reading a book and others were focused on assignments while the teacher was practicing vocab with two students. Thank you for using this time so well to keep our students focused on learning and staying on track!
*Students reflecting on their reading/writing habits and them making individual goals. Students referred back to a chart with tips for writing about reading, going from good to great.

*Students working together in teams of 4, each with a different job for solving their math problems. 

Events Next Week: There's No Place Like Homecoming!!!
Monday - Color day (staff wear pink)
Mentor/Mentee book study meeting at 3:15 in IMC

Tuesday - Twister Tuesday - Crazy dress up day
Wednesday - Munchkinland dress like a kid
HS faculty meeting 3:15 (agenda is PreACT)

Thursday - Which Witch? Twin dress up
  6pm Wizard of Oz Movie, then community wide tug of war (this eliminates the 2nd assembly that was held last year!), followed by coronation

Friday - Dodgeland Pride attire
The shortened bell schedule for Friday can be found HERE Teachers-please take your 8th period class to the gym and sit with students to help model/monitor behavior. MS/HS students will sitting with their grade levels. Advisors-please join your grade levels.  Different this year--Elementary students will be sitting on the floor in front of us so we will all be looking the same direction.

Tech Tip of the Week:
Printing from Your iPad. First, a quick reminder that pictures do not print from the Camera Roll. To print photos they need to be inserted into a document and then printed. This rule applies to students also. Second, printing from your iPad requires your username and password that is the same as your laptop login. For students, this would be their first.last Username and DSDstudentID# for Password. Finally, staff have choices in where to print. Student work will print to the Print Center that is closest.

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Reminder: Taking attendance is essential! We've had a number of students not marked absent at the start of the day, but then later showed up absent, but it was that attendance was missed to begin with.
*I will have an email to come as follow-up to Wednesday's staff meeting. Thank you to everyone fo being patient with me as I continue to learn all of the different things that I need to do at this level. :)

*Remember...even if a student is disregulated or making poor choices, keep your cool and...

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*Opening Lessons With a Bang
*7 Steps to Help Students Succeed on Assessments

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