Thursday, October 31, 2019

Friday Focus - November 1, 2019

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Continued focus in classrooms, despite the weather, the Halloween candy, and a late night of conferences. When you maintain a focus on learning in your classrooms, the students take your lead and do too!
*I heard several positive comments from parents at conferences that included: knowing that there are caring teachers to support their child, teachers offering extra academic support to struggling students, and ongoing communication about their child (not just at conferences).  Our collaboration with parents is so important. Thank you for your time and efforts to communicate and collaborate with parents!
*I pulled a handful of students from a study hall to help with something and as they were leaving one said, "We'll still need to read for 10 minutes when we come back." Another responded "Of course we will, we always need to read 10 minutes."  This conversation was so matter of fact and without any attitude. I know that some students bucked this at the start of the year, but when you stuck with it, they got over it and now it's just the way it is (and it's good for them!). Thank you!
*Class review for the upcoming test, not only reviewing vocabulary, but discussing similarities and differences. As students then completed a kahoot, when answers were wrong, there was discussion to try to clear up the misconceptions of why students chose a wrong answer so they could learn from those wrong answers.
*Class discussion about the 4C's: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity.
*When a staff member looked like she was having a bad moment, a student noticed and asked if everything was ok. Then the student took it a step further and used the same language that has been used to help her during bad moments. It doesn't always seem like they're listening or getting it, but this proved they are and have empathy for others!!

Upcoming Events:
TODAY - 10:10ish - Cross Country State Send Off
Monday - 1st Quarter grades will be posted on Monday morning.
    It's 2nd quarter--do you know if you have a Q2 duty? Check the schedule if you don't remember!
Tuesday - I will be out of the building in the morning
Wednesday - HS Faculty meeting at 3:15
 -middle school SEL lessons start during Aspire
Thursday - jeans day (instead of on Friday)
Friday - Veterans Day assembly at 9:30 -Please dress in professional attire as we will have many community members/guests in our building for the assembly.

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*If you have any students that you are giving an Incomplete grade, they will need to complete work and have the grade changed by Friday, November 15th. You will do this by turning in the grade change form to the office.  Please let me know if you have any students that will be given an incomplete.  If you've already had a conversation with me about a student, they are already on my list. :)

*Thank you all for your conversations and plus/delta input shared on our school report cards. You can read all of your post-it responses HERE. 

Tech Tip of the Week:
What is Enterprise Connect? Enterprise Connect literally connects all of your usernames together and yes, the box will appear each time you restart your laptop. As long as you are signed-in (everything is gray and only option is to sign-out) you can close (red circle) that box.

Blogs, Quotes and Tweets
*4 Teaching Mistakes that Drained My Energy (and the solutions that changed everything)
*20 Ways to Give Feedback for Learning

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