Thursday, October 10, 2019

Friday Focus - October 11, 2019

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Despite the chaos that can become of crazy day or other events this week, I saw several classrooms continuing on with regular learning/procedures which set the tone to keep the classroom normal.  Whenever we stray from the normal, then the students do too!
*Staff modeling school pride and enjoying connections made with students throughout the week. Thank you to everything that each of you have done this week--I know some of you have spent a lot of extra time on Homecoming related stuff. Just you wait for the assembly to see what kind of monkey business some of our staff have planned. ;)

Upcoming Events:
Just a reminder of today's Friday Homecoming Schedule:
1st Hour
2nd Hour
3rd hour
4th Hour
5th Hour
6th Hour
HS Lunch
MS Aspire
MS Lunch
HS Aspire
11:32 -11:54
7th Hour
8th Hour
Spirit Assembly in HS Gym
K-12 Early Dismissal

Monday/Tuesday - 9-11th graders completing PreACT packets in Aspire
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday Attire!- MS Faculty meeting at 3:15 in Ms. Anderson's room (Topic: Social Emotional Learning for Aspire)
Thursday - modified schedule for HS with 9-11th graders taking PreACT in the morning (MS/HS lunch and aspire time is flip flopped)

Tech Tip of the Week:
I<3PDF! PDF documents are great when working in Schoology, Notability and to save formatting when sharing documents, but sometimes we need to make changes to PDFs we already have access to. can help you do MANY things to PDF documents. The ones we use the most: Merge PDF and Split PDF. Hint: When creating a Word, PowerPoint, or Excel document you can Save As a PDF when you are the creator the finished document.

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Thank you for your patience with me being behind on this, that or anything. I'm sure you can relate! If there's something you need a response on sooner than later or need something addressed ASAP you are better off letting Linda/Laura know to catch me/leave a note on my door, because my email inbox has been swamped!

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*Don't Shoulda' On Me

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