Thursday, May 12, 2022

Friday Focus - May 13, 2022


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Our students' musical talents were incredible at both the middle and high school concerts this week. Kudos to Mr. Muenchow and Mr. Robinson for all of their hard work and preparation with students to be ready for two great nights of music!
*Several of our middle school students (who call themselves the Dodgeland Student Association) have been hard at work with passion and excitement to elicit student feedback to have some student-led changes to come next year. Thank you Mrs. Schulte for leading this.  They are also excited to help transition 5th graders to get ready for middle school!
*Our NHS students have been great recruiters to fill up the calendar for the blood drive. 
*Our seniors voted on their class gift to purchase a banner for inside the high school that reads: "Individuality makes us different, respect brings us together." What a great motto!

Upcoming Events:

Today - Neon Dance after school for middle school students

Wednesday - High School Faculty meeting (last week planning!)
 7:00 PM Senior Scholarship and Awards night (all are welcome to attend)

Thursday - Mr. Sterling's last day with us
3:15 - additional MS meeting to finalize plans for the last day of school (this wasn't on our calendar, but I know there's still a lot of details to plan!)

*While I want to announce our new principal, I still need to wait until after the board meeting. 

*Do you have your calendar marked for the August 15th Dodgeland Summit? This year we will also kick off our day of learning with a keynote by Keith Mountain on Rethinking Technology Through Engagement at Any Age. 

*Next Week's IEB/Advisory Doc is HERE

Reminders as you're preparing for summer:
* Middle School classrooms will be used for Summer School.
*High School staff will not have access to high school classrooms after May 31st.  If your room is getting windows for the skylights, all your cupboards will have to be packed up. That day will be for packing/cleaning. We will be in the IMC together on June 1st for PD/target based work.
*Classroom tech equipment needs to be turned into the IMC by May 31 (i.e. doc cameras, tripods/web cameras, superdrives, belkin ipad keyboards, bluetooth headset/charger, etc.)
*Staff iPads/Laptops must be turned in by 7/1/22 for Certified staff. Support staff must turn in technology by 5/27/22.

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