Thursday, December 17, 2020

Friday Focus - December 18, 2020


Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*I've been in classrooms to sub more than to see what you've got going on, so this list is short. Sorry!

  • Middle school students engaged in dissecting sheep brains.
  • Students recording videos to publish a scene from their realistic fiction stories they wrote. 
  • Students coordinating a gift for a peer in the hospital.
  • A student in quarantine emailed me to tell me how much she misses school and does so much better with her learning in person with her teachers.

Upcoming Events: 
Monday - wear something festive to wear your jeans :)
Tuesday - Polar Pajama day
Wednesday - Ugly (I mean festive) sweater day

Please rest up and enjoy your holiday vacation!

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Reminder to turn in your lockdown procedures sign-off sheet before break. 
*Please be ready to welcome students back (think #Signficant72) and to review expectations/routines while bringing the Employability Skills or Work Habits rubric at each building level back to life. 

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:

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