Thursday, January 23, 2020

Friday Focus - January 24, 2020

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Some great conversations with students regarding creating their 4 year plans for high school and with current 9-11th graders about making thoughtful course selections aligned to their long term goals. Not only did I hear these conversations in advisories, but also in some content classes and even in the lunch room. Wow!
*At the start of this week I got to see several classes (new classes) starting out with some #Significant72 activities or introductory activities to hook kids into class:
   -The 1,2,3 counting/clapping/snapping back and forth partner activity.
   -Textbook scavenger hunt.
    -Students filling out individual profile sheets for the teacher to get to know them in their new course.
     -Kahoot to see how much students know about their new class and to get first exposure to some of the concepts they will be learning this semester.
    -Two truths and a lie for students and teacher to get to know each other.
*Unit preview with a content preview guide to help students develop the skill of previewing nonfiction information (don't you wish they just did this on their own with their content? We know they don't, so giving them a guide and some time to do it is so important!)
*Middle School students giving their best effort (some fighting through anxious nerves) in the spelling bee.
*We have gained several new students at both levels and it has been heart warming to see some of our students reach out to welcome them, invite them to their lunch table, make sure they got to their classes (and I especially loved having teachers notice when kids did this and share, because now I get to send home positive postcards to those students!)
Upcoming Events:
Monday -9-11th graders course registration forms due (advisors -collect and turn in to office)
-My Monday resilience video for aspire will also mention a student survey for you to share with students in aspire (the link will be in my email of the video to you). This is to seek student feedback just as we do have staff feedback in the surveys.
Tuesday - IMC is closed
Thursday - MS pajama day for $1 for Kids Heart Challenge
Friday - MS and HS lunch time swap for MS rewards field trip

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Now that we are in 2nd semester, please update your class lists in your guest teacher binder.
*Reminder - NO students should be sent to the IMC without a physical pass. If a student says "Mrs. Soandso said I could come" Ms. Abegglen will send them back. These passes are important in case of an emergency drill so she knows who is in the IMC.

Tech Tip of the Week:
Below is the Student Tech Tip this week. This week is a great time to review some of the workflow items available to you and students. 
Planner Templates can be found in Schoology>The Meeting Place>Resources>Building>Planner Templates. From here you can Settings Wheel>Copy to Course and add them to your Advisory course. 

Daily Announcements are in Schoology and also on the web site for the public to read: &

PowerSchool App, if you have a student who is not logged into the PowerSchool app refer them to the beginning of school year “setting up your iPad” presentation in your Advisory course in Schoology. 

It may be a great time to help students set goals. They are not our goals and how students “create” them can be anything from a video, drawing or list. Remembering the, what are “we” going to do to meet those goals, may be the hardest part. 

Welcome to 2nd Semester and Quarter 3! A few reminders to start the semester off right: your Advisory teacher should have planner pages in Schoology to choose, download and use. Also in Schoology, daily announcements and the IEB document. You can use the Notes or Reminders apps to make lists and the Reminders app will send notifications for when to do things. Use the PowerSchool app to check your grades regularly, literally no excuses there. If you have questions, email teachers with two considerations, spelling and grammar always count AND immediate response is not always possible. Finally, setting goals this time of year can make 2nd Semester successful! Use any app you would like, make a list, draw out your goals, be specific (getting good grades is a bit vague) and then...what are you going to do to meet those goals? #DodgelandProud

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:
*How to act (rather than react) and stop wasting class time when kids are off task - a great post/podcast by Angela Watson. She makes such a great point when she says: If you want to stop feeling like you are expending energy all day long and yet barely getting through your lessons and the kids aren’t really learning … examine your response to student behavior. You are responsible for your own choices, not student choices.

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