Thursday, January 16, 2020

Friday Focus - January 17, 2020

I want to ask you to do something.  Think back on the week with kids.  What is one thing that you thought of that you did really well for the kids?  How much work did you put into that one thing?  Was it planned or did it happen because there was a teachable moment?  Did you share it with anyone or did you keep it to yourself?  If you shared it with someone, how did they react?  If you kept it to yourself, why did you do that? 

I have grown so much over the years from ideas I learned from others. I love the saying "the smartest person in the room, is the room." WE are our own best resource. But we can't be a resource if we are keeping our ideas to ourselves. I encourage to share your ideas with colleagues. Share something that went well. Share a strategy or activity that worked. When we keep sharing, then we all become better for our kids. We are pretty good right now. Imagine how great we could be if we shared. 

Events next Week:
Monday - EP training (Mid-year SLO review, 2nd surveys)
Wednesday -optional Self Care 101 session at 3:30

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:
Ready to start over fresh 2nd semester with classroom management? Here's a great read: How to Undo Classroom Management Mistakes

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