Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday Focus - September 13, 2019

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Staff being flexible and calm to support when a student was in crisis. The rest of the class hardly even knew there was an incident, because of how staff handled it.
*Several classrooms with students starting the class period with bellwork/silent reading. This set the tone for the rest of the class period of focus on learning!
*Student dialogue in partners about the different ways they solved problems.
*Students coming up with examples and non-examples of when to use the scientific method to solidify their understanding of that process vs research.
*Students writing letters to their future selves of all that they want to accomplish by the end of the school year.
*In one study hall, not only did students follow the expectation of reading the first 10 minutes, but most have been reading the entire time, because they didn't want to stop!

Events Next Week:
Monday - Picture Day - ALL students get their pictures taken for school records, including seniors.  The PA system will be used to call students by grade levels and alphabet (i.e. 8th grade A-L).  Thank you in advance for your flexibility on this.
-Marcia will be gone 8-1 at WIAA meeting on Monday
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday attire (making sure that you're also within the student dress code!)
Middle School faculty meeting 3:15
Thursday - Ag/FFA students are running the petting zoo for the elementary

Tech Tip of the Week:
What do new teachers need to now about...this is a great read for ALL teachers. Great response, "Model HOW to use it, don't assume they know how to use it!" Read all the questions and responses here and maybe catch a live chat on Twitter next Thursday of #Ditchbook

Nuts & Bolts Notes:
We made it through a full week of school! Each 5 day week has 50 passing periods...that gives us 240 minutes a day to positively reinforce our relationships with students--to notice a new haircut, a book choice, give fist bump/high fives, build relationships in casual conversation, and connect with kids. It also gives us opportunities to smile and say hello to a colleague who could maybe really benefit from the moment of kindness. Every moment with our students and with each other counts.  Thank you for all that you do for students and for each other!

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:
*Maintaining First Day of School Excitement

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