Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Check out the great artwork above by one of our seniors. What do you think of when you see this picture of a rainbow over Dodgeland?
*Class game of "trashketball" to review concepts for a test while having fun.
*Middle school students focused on writing, referring back to their criteria for writing counter arguments.
*One of our hs students with the most tardies only had one this week...a friend bet him to go through without tardies and kept checking on his classes to make sure he was there. Talk about an accountability partner! How can we incorporate student leaders more?
*Teachers working 1:1 with students in ARP/Study Hall to help them maintain focus or work on getting caught up. While we wish kids would spend this class period independently studying, most of them need our help to use that time well!
Events Next Week: March Madness College shirts and jeans all week!
I don't see any I missing anything?
Upcoming Events:
Please make sure Wednesday, May 4th is on your calendar for the next district-wide (certified and para) meeting 3:15 - 4:15 in the IMC. This meeting will be longer than the last one.
*As you plan for your classes when we return from Spring Break, please be ready to welcome students back and reconnect with relationships, review expectations/procedures and be ready for them to finish strong. If we come back grumbling that we wish spring break were longer, they will too. (Sure, we all wish we had a longer break, but when we say that outloud with grumbles, we will act that way too and that attitude will spread. What do you want spreading in your classroom?)
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
I know you're probably counting down your days until Spring Break, but remember that if your daily actions exhibit that mindset, your students will too. While we only have ___ days left until spring break, we also only have ___ days left until spring break to keep kids learning and growing until they are gone for a week. We have Forward and ACT Aspire testing upon us, along with lots of left to learn in your classes. Let's keep focus and be engaged in our work so our students will too. :) :)
*Just another reminder: As we close out the midpoint of the quarter, you should have a rating in for Employability Skills or Work Habits.
*Next week's HS IEB doc is HERE
Reminder - if you do decide to take a class outside to use a fob to re-enter the building (we can not prop doors open)
Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*25 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently
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