Thursday, April 15, 2021

Friday Focus - April 16, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*What a great week to see our students shine: FBLA state competition, the robotics team is advancing to state for the first time, first middle school track meet, business classes competing with schools from across the state, students staying after school for the math meet, high school students beginning tutoring struggling students, and FFA members completing tasks to run for an FFA officer position.  We have many incredible students!
*Last Friday's groundbreaking ceremony was SO exciting with everything that is to come. I don't know if you could see through the live feed, but our music students were so happy to perform for the first time in over a year!
*I overheard a student talking about TikTok and had to do a doubletake on what I heard...she was talking about booktalks on Tik Tok. That's right, she gets new book ideas on Tik Tok! (I thoroughly enjoyed when another student responded with, "I swear if they make Tik Tok educational..." LOL).
*In a conversation with a parent new to Dodgeland, he shared that he has been so impressed with our school/teachers supporting his child that he plans for his next child to transfer to us next year. 

*I'm lucky to have gotten to see faces we haven't seen in a long time...our virtual students coming in for state testing. Even though they were coming to take a test, they seemed excited to be in school!

Upcoming Events:
Monday - 6th graders taking state Forward exam in the mornings

Tuesday - 2 hour delay schedule for middle school students for 7/8th graders to take the state Forward exam first thing in the morning (this will impact ms students ability to attend high school classes)
*MS home track meet 

Wednesday - Workout Wednesday/ HS Faculty Mtg at 3:00 (agenda includes ACT Aspire plans and hat discussion)
*I will be proctoring ACT Aspire to our virtual students in the IMC, along with Forward makeups/virtual learners

- 2 hour delay schedule for middle school students for 7/8th graders to take the state Forward exam first thing in the morning (this will impact ms students ability to attend high school classes)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

*Now is a great time for a bit of technology Spring cleaning! Please encourage students to clean their iPads, and please consider cleaning your iPad and the screen of your digital display board (SMART board or Viewsonic). The cleaning process is the same for both: spray the pink disinfectant spray onto a microfiber rag and wipe down the surface. 

*The 7th annual Summer Technology Boot Camp is coming up this summer! Please fill out this survey to share feedback by Thursday, April 22nd. Watch your email for more specific information from Kay and Christina regarding Boot Camp. 

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
*Cult of Pedagogy always has great resources/ideas. At this time a year as students get squirly, here's a tip to help you: Distract the Distractor

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