Thursday, March 18, 2021

Friday Focus - March 19, 2021


Great Things I Noticed this Week:

*Teachers in the hallways greeting kids in the morning, to class and also in hallways at dismissal time. While you're making connections your hallway supervision goes a long way to promote appropriate behaviors!

*Teachers working with students 1:1 in ARP to support them to get caught up on work or get ready for an assessment. One student who has been SO far behind came out beaming with pride that she finally got a couple of assignments done. Some of our students are so deep in the hole that it seems impossible to climb their way back up to ground level....this teacher support means everything!

*Great teamwork discussions with students as they reviewed vocabulary together while in quizlet live competition groups. 

*Several staff conversations focused on problem-solving to support students. 

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:

*We are at Mid Semester on Wednesday. This means that grades need to be updated as we are checking academic eligibility for students in athletics and co-curriculars.

*Thank you for your continued dedication and focus on learning during this last week before break. I know it is challenging to keep students engaged with minds on spring break and anticipation of spring weather.  This is when small chunks of instruction and mixing it up with social interaction/dialogue, movement, etc. can help keep students engaged. 

As you plan for your classes when we return from Spring Break, please keep in mind to welcome students back and reconnect with relationships, review expectations/procedures and be ready to lead them to finish strong.  

Please do NOT start a countdown to summer in your room...this only contributes to an atitude/mindset of not wanting to be in school.

*Reminder: With construction trailers and heavy equipment beginning to arrive next Monday, March 22, staff and students will no longer be able to park in the far west parking lot until further notice.   There is ample parking available in either the Elementary and/or Middle and High School parking lots.


Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:

*Would you Rather: Designing with Choice in Mind

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