Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday Focus - April 24, 2020

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
  • Staff joining into comments on the schoology announcements/facebook posts for virtual spirit week. I think your participation helps encourage more students!
  • Daily joke/meme of the day aligned to the class content, along with the daily/weekly checklist of what needs to be done. 
  • After learning about a battle, students had the choice in how to demonstrate their learning in either a video or a poster (digital or picture of handmade poster), with criteria of what needs to be included. 
Upcoming Events:
Friday (Today) - Virtual inspirational keynote from Adam Welcome at 2:00 on Bluejeans. See the link I sent out and end your week on a high note! :)
Monday - yard signs are being delivered to our seniors!
Wednesday - virtual faculty meeting 11:00 (grading updates)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
As you know we asked for parent feedback on virtual learning.  We had 68 families respond and I share some of the results from that survey in this document.   As you'll see, there are a LOT of positives there (in fact, Dr. Thompson will be sending out an email of gratitude with many glowing comments from parents to fill your teaching heart!). Parents are VERY appreciative of all that you are doing during this challenging time to try to continue learning and do it in engaging ways!

You will also see a trend of parents being unsure how their child is doing academically. As we begin using PowerSchool again now, that will help parents to see in a way that they are familiar with to know if their child is doing the work.  Please also don't hesitate to email a parent if you are concerned about a student-because their parent might not know theres' an issue. 

In addition, the biggest concern for lack of motivation in students to want to do any work is mainly at 11th/12th grade. How can we reach them? What ideas do you have that we can work together to try to get them back?

In addition, the survey also tells us that there continues to be internet connectivity issues, creating a barrier for learning. We have provided about 80 hotspots to our families and beyond this, it is out of our control due to the signal strength in some of our district areas. 
After Monday night's board meeting I will have an update for you on grading moving forward. 

Just For You to Fill Your Cup:

Repeat of the info emailed out by Kalise & Pam for virtual Self-Care Academies:
If you’re interested in joining us, please click here to sign up, at least 24 hours in advance, for one of the following sessions:

  • Wednesday, April 29 at 12:00 pm
  • Monday, May 5 at 3:00 pm 
  • Tuesday, May 6 at 8:00 am

Tech Tip of the Week:
Resources…more Resources. Thought I would share a few of the blogs I follow for tech, leadership and might find a favorite. Dr. Monica Burns:, George Couros: EdSurge delivers insights and connects those exploring how technology can support equitable opportunities for all learners, Elena Aguilar:, and Jennifer Gonzalez: Happy learning and remember, resources are only as good as the ones you try.

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