Thursday, April 30, 2020

Friday Focus - May 1, 2020

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*One staff member shared: I was able to have an hour long meeting with 50% attendance to help teach a new concept. I placed the slide show in their folder for those who didn't make it. I also had 100% participation with another class and besides reading together we discussed our reading, plus they asked to have a meeting every week!
*Another staff member shared: Some kids are still doing work and some have surprised me in a positive way. It's great hearing from kids via email. It brightens my day! :)
*Since FFA didn't get to share their Day at the Farm with elementary students, they put together a virtual share at

Events next week: 
*Teacher Appreciation Week - we all appreciate you each and every day, but this week we can't wayt to show you all how much you are appreciated. Enjoy your week!
*No faculty meeting
*Repeat of the info emailed out by Kalise & Pam for virtual Self-Care Academies:
If you’re interested in joining us, please click here to sign up, at least 24 hours in advance, for one of the following sessions: Monday, May 5 at 3:00 or Tuesday May 6 at 8:00am

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*No faculty meeting this week
*Classrooms will be getting their typical summer deep clean now. Please contact Jerry or I if you need to get into your room so we can let you know if it's available.

Tech Tip of the Week:
Individually Assign Assignments in Schoology: If you’d like to differentiate an assignment in Schoology, at the bottom of the window there is an Individually assign button. Type in the students’ name and they will be the only ones to see the assignment.

Blogs, Quotes & Tweets:
Empowering Students in Distance Learning Environments
How to Work From Home Without Getting Stressed-Out

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday Focus - April 24, 2020

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
  • Staff joining into comments on the schoology announcements/facebook posts for virtual spirit week. I think your participation helps encourage more students!
  • Daily joke/meme of the day aligned to the class content, along with the daily/weekly checklist of what needs to be done. 
  • After learning about a battle, students had the choice in how to demonstrate their learning in either a video or a poster (digital or picture of handmade poster), with criteria of what needs to be included. 
Upcoming Events:
Friday (Today) - Virtual inspirational keynote from Adam Welcome at 2:00 on Bluejeans. See the link I sent out and end your week on a high note! :)
Monday - yard signs are being delivered to our seniors!
Wednesday - virtual faculty meeting 11:00 (grading updates)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
As you know we asked for parent feedback on virtual learning.  We had 68 families respond and I share some of the results from that survey in this document.   As you'll see, there are a LOT of positives there (in fact, Dr. Thompson will be sending out an email of gratitude with many glowing comments from parents to fill your teaching heart!). Parents are VERY appreciative of all that you are doing during this challenging time to try to continue learning and do it in engaging ways!

You will also see a trend of parents being unsure how their child is doing academically. As we begin using PowerSchool again now, that will help parents to see in a way that they are familiar with to know if their child is doing the work.  Please also don't hesitate to email a parent if you are concerned about a student-because their parent might not know theres' an issue. 

In addition, the biggest concern for lack of motivation in students to want to do any work is mainly at 11th/12th grade. How can we reach them? What ideas do you have that we can work together to try to get them back?

In addition, the survey also tells us that there continues to be internet connectivity issues, creating a barrier for learning. We have provided about 80 hotspots to our families and beyond this, it is out of our control due to the signal strength in some of our district areas. 
After Monday night's board meeting I will have an update for you on grading moving forward. 

Just For You to Fill Your Cup:

Repeat of the info emailed out by Kalise & Pam for virtual Self-Care Academies:
If you’re interested in joining us, please click here to sign up, at least 24 hours in advance, for one of the following sessions:

  • Wednesday, April 29 at 12:00 pm
  • Monday, May 5 at 3:00 pm 
  • Tuesday, May 6 at 8:00 am

Tech Tip of the Week:
Resources…more Resources. Thought I would share a few of the blogs I follow for tech, leadership and might find a favorite. Dr. Monica Burns:, George Couros: EdSurge delivers insights and connects those exploring how technology can support equitable opportunities for all learners, Elena Aguilar:, and Jennifer Gonzalez: Happy learning and remember, resources are only as good as the ones you try.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Friday Focus - April 17, 2020

In response to all of your awesome videos for our students (and of course, all your amazing hard work through all of this!), here is the students response:

*Note--while our students love to post their pictures to Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, etc. the majority didn't want their faces in this video, so all the pictures without a student are middle/high schoolers. ;)

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*A class discussion question checking in on how students liked the addition of Kahn Academy as a learning tool in the class and what their favorite online activities are from other classes. Seeking feedback from students is so important!
*In a class discussion in Schoology, the teacher took time to reply to every student's comment. This was to give feedback and ask follow-up questions (that students responded to again). This helps show students that their responses are purposeful and are being read by the teacher (not just a compliance task).
*A teacher audio recorded her feedback to students, emailing each individually to provide feedback for learning with the opportunity to redo their assignment.
*Students were given the choice to create a model of a neuron or a diagram of one and many chose to create a model with household items and their pictures are rolling in with creativity.
*Did you see one of our student's comments to the Thankful prompt in Schoology? I know that many of our students feel this way (they're just teenagers that don't find it cool to be this affectionat!). Just soak this in: I am thankful for the teachers who are working there best to do what is best for there students and even when they are not physically next to us in the classroom they always find a way to make sure we get it.

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday - Virtual faculty meeting
Friday - your virtual teaching duties are relieved early for you to join in a bluejeans session for a live virtual keynote from Adam Welcome.  If you don't know who this is, you are in for a treat. Adam is co-author of Kids Deserve It (and other books). He is a highly sought after speaker for education conferences and I guarantee you'll end your week feeling pumped up!  I will email a bluejeans link for you next week.

We will be promoting another week of "virtual spirit week" days to encourage students/families to share on social media, but more about activities than attire.

Just for you to fill your cup:
*Stop Remote Teaching 24/7!  You are now working from home, but don't work at home all the time. Set boundaries to take care of yourself and your family!
*Tired of the news? I'm not subscribing to John Krazinsky's Sharing Some Good News show. It's way better than the real news channels!
*Repeat of what Ms. Vitale shared, because there's some awesome ideas in here with an issue many of you are also experiencing: 5 Ways to Increase Attendance in Optional Online Meetups

Tech Tip of the Week:
Schoology Reminder. Anything you create in Schoology will be available to reuse and Copy to Course in the future. Example, two years ago we had an assignment or document that I’d like to make changes to and use again: Courses>My Courses>Archived. When you find the material, the Setting wheel at the right>Copy to Course.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Friday Focus - April 3, 2020

Great Things I Have Noticed this Week:
*Students meeting in BlueJeans, taking a fun break together to play Pictionary (using the iPad screenshare). It was virtually fun. :)
*When I surveyed students...they responded! See my email sent last night so you can also see their feedback.
*The great ideas you all shared in our meeting for virtual learning: EdPuzzle to add in notes and questions to a youtube video, Explain everything to create a video for students as you write/explain.
*A student who has had a history of negative attitude, along with use of choice words, emailed me: "Thank you for doing everything you guys are for everyone. Means a lot. " 
*Student participation in Schoology--discussions -not only posting one response but students also commenting back to each other, sharing of April Fool's jokes, students collaborating in a google doc, etc. 
*I continue to be amazed by the creativity and ideas you are putting into engaging students virtually and helping each other as colleagues as well. We can get through this together!

Upcoming Events:
Spring break. Rest. Relax. Netflix. Garden. Whatever will refresh you.
April 13 - virtual learning continues

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please see the email I sent out regarding student feedback and Schoology organization/virtual learning work.
*I don't have a decision for you yet regarding grading. However, I would recommend for now to mark assignments in powerschool as collected or missing. As I'm reaching out to parents of students not completing work in Schoology, parents don't know how to check when their child says, "but I did everything." Most parents do know powerschool and can see that for consistency.
*Click HERE to see a resource page for staff members to answer common questions for students or parents during the school closure. The document shows password patterns, information about getting tech support, and other how-to options.

Just for You to Fill Your Cup:
Today was the first day of the Power of Positivity Summit.  I look forward to this every year by Jon Gordon, because it is filled with video clips from inspiring and wise people. Each day you get an email with about 4 video links, each packed with a punch. In previous years I've never had the time to watch all, but now I've been gifted with that time!
Jon Gordon's first video is so applicable to what is happening in our country right now about challenging situations and adapting to change. He describes his book, The Shark and the Goldfish, where the goldfish has to figure out how to survive in the ocean like a shark.  It made me think about the thousands of teachers, including you that have embraced this situation and are working hard to make it work for our students and families. This is not the way we typically educate students, but we ARE making a difference. 
Here are some of the statements he made that stood out the most to me. What does this make you think about?

  • The people and organizations who thrive who embrace change during challenging times.
  • Discomfort leads to growth. Embrace the challenges and get better from them. 
  • Whether we thrive through change or not is determined by our mindset and how we perceive the change that we are dealing with. 
  • What we believe determines what we will create. 
  • How can I get better because of this, and what do I want to create in the future? 

*Another app to keep you from getting stuck to your chair. I got this from Ted Neitzke's SMART thinking podcast and love it! It's the Nike Training app. I haven't explored everything in there yet, but am currently loving the 7-minute Total-Body Desk Detox.

*Blog post: This is the Time
*A wealth of resources on staying resilient during COVID19: Compassion Resilience 

Tech Tip of the Week: 
Being a Digital Citizen...real life case study. We are learning online and using many tools to do so. Now is a wonderful time to review any digital citizenship skills we can. Below are some resources to share and work through with your students. Some resources are new and some are linked to the Common Sense lessons you have already started with your advisories. Be mindful that parents are learning along with our students, activities can benefit everyone. 

Digital Citizenship Resources (DigCit):  

Today (04/01/2020) we're [Common Sense]  launching a brand-new, free online resource to support families and educators who are transitioning to remote learning as a result of the coronavirus: Wide Open School. Why? There are so many online resources to support kids' educational, emotional, and physical development that Common Sense editors are noticing yet another challenge for parents and educators: How can you find high-quality resources quickly, easily, and in one place?

There are Common Sense lessons for our high school students, but sometimes an article from an outside source may help move behaviors. I gravitate towards articles that give “to dos” versus what not to do.  Search Terms = job search AND digital footprint