Thursday, February 20, 2020

Friday Focus - February 21, 2020

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*When a class finished early with their lesson/activity with 5 minutes to spare, students got to play a quick game of vocabulary charades in partners--they pulled up the academic vocab on their iPads and took turns acting our a word for their partner to guess. Great idea to use every minute!
*Great conversations and great questions at Monday's PD Day. I will tell you that I learned a TON from going to Poynette on Thursday...I just need to figure out how to consolidate the many thoughts spinning around in my head to share with you. I will tell you that before we have our next PD day I have 3 additional days of learning to inform our work (including 2 full days of training on PowerTeacherPro) so I should have lots of answers to your great questions.

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday - a bonus Workout Wednesday to make it through the final week of February! :) (What??!!! It's already the final week of February?! How did that happen?)

Nuts and Bolts Notes:
*When students are absent, they should be allowed time to make up their work from when missing. Please do not put a zero in your gradebook if they haven't had adequate time to make up the work yet.

*Mr. Modaff has tried to block students from finding movies people have put out on google drive, but somehow, students find work arounds. IF you see a student watching a movie this way, please tell them that is not allowed and then you can email Mrs. Modaff and I if it continues so we can address.

*I know that you all don't have a study hall or ARP, but want to reshare the procedures in case you end up covering for a colleague.
-First 10 minutes is reading.
-The rest of the time is for class work, studying, reviewing, or reading. Students should NOT be playing games or watching videos on their iPads.  There are more details in this handout that was shared at the start of the school year.

Tech Tip of the Week:
Learn360. There are many safe and appropriate ways to find media to support and enhance your curriculum. One of those resources is Learn360. Media such as videos, audio, and interactive tools can be accessed, downloaded, and shared with students. Content can be searched based on grade level, topic, or standard. Take a look at how to get started here.

Blogs, Tweets & Quotes:
*6 Teacher-Approved Tips for Faster, More Effective Feedback (it's actually a quick video clip to watch!)

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